Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Wise fum yo gwave!

For those completely confused by the title, I direct you to this nugget of awesomeness:

"Rise from your grave," Zeus commanded... and so a generation of gaming was born.

A little back story: Altered Beast was released in 1988 as a stand-up cabinet game. Across all of Japan, Altered Beast ruled supreme in the local arcades, munching away at coins, leaving millions of small Japanese children bento-less. But then something special happened. Altered Beast was soon ported (i.e. re-released) on a little black box called the Sega Mega Drive. This little toy would come to be known in the US as the Sega Genesis.

With the success of Altered Beast on the new console, Sega was given the start it needed to forge ahead and ultimately release 914 more games for the console. In total, Sega sold some 40 million Mega Drives/Genesis' (Genesi? Genesises?). I was lucky enough to have received one of them.

It was Christmas. December 25th, 1995. I only vaguely remember that day. I was, after all, only five years old. But what I do remember was unwrapping a big box only to lay my eyes upon a strange contraption that at first I could not fully comprehend. Indeed, it was a Sega Genesis; a gift from my Aunt and Uncle in California. With it came two games:


The rest, as they say, was history.

Over the last 18 years of my life, I have played hundreds of games. Of those hundreds of games, I've completed about a hundred. I've probably spent thousands of hours playing games (I cried a little on the inside when I wrote that). And yet, still, somehow, I've managed to miss so many of the classics.

The Zelda series, the Metroid series, the early Final Fantasy games, and all of the 3D Mario platformers, just to name a few.

This blog is a record of my attempt to finally bring clarity to my video gaming blind spot, and keep track of my gaming exploits as I attempt to conquer these leviathans of the digital sea. One pixel at a time.

It's also a place to exchange memories, news, and other awesome gaming related things. So pull up a tweed couch, a 2-liter of Surge, a can of Pringles, and LETS DO THIS.

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