Monday, September 3, 2012

Song of the Week

Following the hype from the most recent Metal Gear announcement, it seems only fitting that I focus on a song from the series. In fact, I'm so excited, I'm going to post two songs, because shut the hell up its my blog.

First, the "Theme of Tara" from Metal Gear (MSX2, 1987):

This piece was composed by Iku Mizutani, and got it's name from the "Ta-ra" sound that ends each phrase at the beginning of the song. It's not my favorite song in the MSX version of the game, but it is certainly the song you hear the most while playing. I played Metal Gear earlier this Summer, and heard this song loop so many times that I couldn't perform normal daily functions without it thumping along in my head.

Next, "Level 1 Warning" from Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake (MSX2, 1990):

This piece, and the entire soundtrack, was composed and produced by the KONAMI KuKeiHa CLUB. This music accompanies you at the very beginning of the game, as you infiltrate the first facility of Zanzibar land. With ease, no other track has ever immediately immersed me into the atmosphere of a game like this one.

And just because it's awesome, here is the orchestral remake that came as a bonus in Metal Gear Solid 4:

Ok, so this post basically became Metal Gear song history of the week. However, Metal Gear's music rocks, and I can't think of a better way to celebrate the news of another entry in the series than looking back at some of its great music; a staple of any Metal Gear game.

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